B12 deficiency – it sneaks up on you
The human liver is capable of storing larger amounts of B12. Throughout human history, our ancestors were able to survive periods of food scarcity, since they could depend on the B12 stored during more prosperous times.
The liver’s amazing capacity to store B12 is of course a great thing, but it also means that you may not notice problems with your diet or B12 absorption at first. This means that it can be difficult to understand that the diet change you embarked on two years ago is what’s causing your health problems now. After all, you have been eating like this for two years, so all these new symptoms popping up can’t be related to your diet, can they? It must be something else going on, some recent change. And so we start looking in the wrong directions, finding it difficult to interpret the clues provided by the body. Continue reading “B12 deficiency – it sneaks up on you”