meat b12

B12 deficiency – it sneaks up on you

The human liver is capable of storing larger amounts of B12. Throughout human history, our ancestors were able to survive periods of food scarcity, since they could depend on the B12 stored during more prosperous times.

The liver’s amazing capacity to store B12 is of course a great thing, but it also means that you may not notice problems with your diet or B12 absorption at first. This means that it can be difficult to understand that the diet change you embarked on two years ago is what’s causing your health problems now. After all, you have been eating like this for two years, so all these new symptoms popping up can’t be related to your diet, can they? It must be something else going on, some recent change. And so we start looking in the wrong directions, finding it difficult to interpret the clues provided by the body. Continue reading “B12 deficiency – it sneaks up on you”


Why I run without shoes

I makes my strides lighter

When I run without shoes, I automatically take lighter strides.

I used to run in super duper high-end running shoes, but all that cushioning had an impact on my running style. With the running shoes on, taking heavy strides felt good – in the moment – and I didn’t realise that this unnatural way of running was actually injuring me.

Before, I thought I could fix problems such as knee cap pain by simply getting better and better running shoes, and swapping out old shoes for new ones more frequently.

Without running shoes on, I have gone back to a more natural stride; I run the way people ran before the invention of modern cushioning shoes. Continue reading “Why I run without shoes”


Be vigilant about hypokalemia

Hypokalemia, also known as potassium deficiency, is one of the most common water-electrolyte imbalances in humans. Despite this, many of us are unaware of the symptoms and warning signs of potassium deficiency. Part of this is because mild hypokalemia tend to not produce any pronounced symptoms or just produce vague symptoms that are easy to mistake for something else.

By learning more about the symptoms of hypokalemia, we can be more observant and take steps to prevent and mitigate hypokalemia before it turns into a serious problem that requires a trip to the emergency room.

Important: For us to remain healthy, a proper balance between potassium and sodium must be maintained in the body.

Continue reading “Be vigilant about hypokalemia”

iron rich food

Am I getting enough iron?

Iron deficiency is one of the most commonly occurring nutritional deficiencies in humans, and unlike many other nutritional deficiencies it is actually quite common even in people in developed countries. You don’t have to be starving or on a strict vegan diet to develop an iron deficiency; it can happen to almost any of us since there are so many factors that impact not just the iron content in our diet but also our ability to absorb that iron. Continue reading “Am I getting enough iron?”


What happens when you stop smoking cigarettes?

We all know that smoking cigarettes takes a toll on the body and is linked to various health issues. But do you know that your body can repair many of these injuries surprisingly quickly if you just stop smoking?

Below, we will take a look at a time line for what you can expect as your body recuperates. Hopefully, it will help you keep motivation up as you remain cigarette free. Continue reading “What happens when you stop smoking cigarettes?”